Setup a Kubernetes Cluster in K8s Playground
Step 1:
Login to
Step 2:
Click on “+ Add New Instance” and create a node, “node1”
Step 3:
You should have a command displayed to “1. Initializes cluster master node:” (i.e Control Plane node) on your shell.
Copy + paste and run this command on node1 shell.
Step 4:
You now have to run the second command “2. Initialize cluster networking:”
Copy + paste and run the second command on node1 shell.
Step 5:
Copy + paste and run the command “export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf”
Step 6:
Click on “+Add New Instance” and create a new Node — “node2”
Step 7:
Now go back to node1 and copy the command to join worker node from the output which says “Then you can join any number of worker nodes by running the following on each as root:”
Paste and run this command on node2
Step 8:
Run the following commands on node1 to confirm that the kubernetes cluster with one Control Plane node and one Worker node is created successfully
kubectl get nodes
kubectl cluster-info